hustf's blog

Ordinary differential equations (ODE)

  1. Example 1: Solving scalar equations
  2. Example 2: Termination criterion
  3. Example 3: Simple variation of parameters
  4. Example 4: Big gun - system of differential equations
    1. No air resistance
    2. Air resistance and sound barrier effects
    3. Modifying the shot model - atmospheric properties ODE
    4. Varying initial conditions
  5. References

Example 1: Solving scalar equations

In this example, we will find the function u(t) which satisfies

\[\frac{du}{dt} = \alpha \cdot u\left( t \right) = 1.01 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{s{^-}{^1}}} \cdot u\left( t \right)\]
\(u\left( 0 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{s}} \right) = 0.5 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{m}}\)
\(\left( 0 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{s}} \leq t \leq 2 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{s}} \right)\)

This 'hello world' of ODEs is solved analytically by brilliantly pulling from calculus that if \(u\left( t \right) = c{_1} \cdot e^{\alpha \cdot t}\), then \(\frac{du}{dt} = c{_1} \cdot \alpha \cdot e^{\alpha \cdot t}\). We plug in our initial condition:

\[u\left( 0 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{s}} \right) = c{_1} \cdot \alpha \cdot e^{\alpha \cdot 0 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{s}}} = c{_2} = 0.5 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{m}}\] ...and the solution is \[u\left( t \right) = 0.5 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{m}} \cdot e^{\alpha \cdot t} = e^{1.01 \mathrm{ \textcolor{#15a}{s{^-}{^1}}} \cdot t}\]

Or, we can ask the computer in computer language. Leibniz notation can't be used as a variable name for the derivative, so we switch to Lagrange notation, :

import MechanicalUnits: @import_expand, dimension
@import_expand(mm, cm, m, km, ft, inch, s, °, kg)
using MechGluecode
using DifferentialEquations, Plots, ArrayTools

u´(u,p,t) = 1.01s⁻¹ * u
const uᵢ = 0.5m
prob = ODEProblem(u´, uᵢ, (0.0, 2)s)
sol = solve(prob)
default(width = 5, framestyle = :zerolines, legend=(0.15, 0.9),
    foreground_color_legend = nothing, background_color_legend = nothing)
plot(sol, label = "Interpolation curve")
scatter!(sol.t, sol.u, marker=true, linewidth=0, label="Exact points")


And the default solution plots like:

A few remarks:

Example 2: Termination criterion

Above, we decided in advance where on the t axis we would stop the numerical integration. We will now stop when u reaches targval = 1.0 m . DifferentialEquations.jl will look for a function which returns unitless zero.

const targval = 1.0m
condition(u,t,integrator) = (u - targval) / m
affect!(integrator) = terminate!(integrator)
cb = ContinuousCallback(condition, affect!)
solstop = solve(prob,Tsit5(), callback=cb)
plot!(solstop, xlims = (0,2)s,
    label = "Solve process stopped at $targval",
    linewidth = 8, color=:black)
scatter!(solstop.t, solstop.u, marker=true, linewidth=0,
    label="Exact points, stopped at $targval")


Callback functions like this can be used for progress meters, making balls bounce, or sliding support conditions on a non-linear beam. See Event handling and callback functions.

We normally tell solve which solution algorithm to use, in this case Tsit5() (Tsitouras, Ch). For small problems, most of the 'solve' time may easily be spent picking the best algorithm. When defining specific algorithms, you could do with loading fewer dependencies. Using binary dependencies can be a pain due to the security policies many institutions apply, and they increase load times.

Example 3: Simple variation of parameters

In examples 1-3, we used a hard-coded α = 1.01 s⁻¹ . We can pass the value as function parameter α instead. The interface does not care if the parameter is called p or α as long as it's in the correct position.

u´(u,α,t) = α * u
function time_to_targval(p)
    sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(); callback=cb, p = p)
@time plot(time_to_targval, xlims = (1.00000/s, 1.5/s), xguide ="Parameter α",
    label = "Time to reach $targval")


  1.227606 seconds (1.80 M allocations: 104.176 MiB, 2.05% gc time, 99.82% compilation time)

To make this plot, the differential equation solver runs hundreds of times. We do not specify how many, just naively pass the function to the plotting engine. We are patient.

Example 4: Big gun - system of differential equations


In two minutes, this gun could shoot five cannonballs the weight of my first car. The long-distance balls are just 495 kg - could they shoot across the Skagerrak?

No air resistance

import MechanicalUnits: g, ∙

"Barrel elevation"
α₀()  = 26°
"Muzzle velocity"
v₀()  = 1050m/s
    Δt = 2 * v₀() * sin(α₀()) / g
    Δx =  v₀() * cos(α₀()) * Δt
    println("Time until impact, Δt   = ", round(s, Δt))
    println("Horizontal distance, Δx = ", round(km, Δx))
Time until impact, Δt   = 94.0s
Horizontal distance, Δx = 89.0km

Without air resistance, the gun would shoot from Møvig to Denmark at this angle. We skipped straight to the known answer here, but as a reminder:

\[y'' = v' = a = - g\]
g is earth's gravitational acceleration

That's a second order differential equation, and we could have used separation of variables to create a system of first order ODEs. Just not a very interesting one, because we will not get a good estimation without also considering air resistance along both x and y axes.

Why the parantheses? Why write α₀() when const α₀ would work? It's a working habit. We can easily revise functions when we are detailing the model more and more.

Air resistance and sound barrier effects

In the bunkers below, there is still an analogue computer with magic-level mechanics. It is able to target ships at roughly 50 km, or about three times the distance you would be able to see a large ship over the horizon. Let us go a step further towards that magic and introduce the magnitude of air resistance R.

\[R = 0.5 \cdot \rho{_0} \cdot C_{s} \cdot A_{pr} \cdot v^{2}\]
\(\rho{_0} = 1.225\) kg/m³ is air density
Cₛ is aerodynamic shape coefficient as a function of Mach number
Aₚᵣ is projected frontal area, projectile
v is velocity

The Mach number, M is the ratio of velocity v to local speed of sound c. The sound barrier heavily influences the flow. We are interpolating data from figure 3 in (Lipanov, Korolev, Rusyak (2017)), where an advanced model is discussed. The shape coefficient Cₛ function is

\[\mathrm{C_{s}}\left( v, c \right) = \mathrm{C_{s}}\left( \frac{v}{c} \right) = \mathrm{C_{s}}\left( v_{ma} \right)\]
\(\mathrm{C_{s}}\left( v_{ma} \right) = \mathrm{\mathrm{LinearInterpolation}\left( ptsM, ptsCd \right)}\left( v_{ma} \right)\)
\(c = 323\) m/s is the speed of sound at ground level

The velocity and resistance are 2d vectors in our problem of course. We define the functions in detail like this:

using Interpolations
using MechanicalUnits: Velocity, Density

# Constants we don't think we'll change
const x₀ = 0.0km
const y₀ = 0.0km
const ø = (1900//127)inch

# Calculated constants
const Aₚᵣ = π/4 * ø^2

# 'Constants' that we might want to modify later
mₚ()   = 495kg
x´₀() = v₀() * cos(α₀())
y´₀() = v₀() * sin(α₀())
c() = 323.0m/s
ρ() = 1.225kg/m³

# Functions of current velocities
const ptsM = [0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.875, 1, 1.125, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.0]
const ptsCd = [0.155, 0.16, 0.165, 0.17, 0.2575, 0.3875, 0.3775,
                0.3425, 0.2875, 0.245, 0.215]
Cₛ(vₘₐ::Real) = LinearInterpolation(ptsM, ptsCd, extrapolation_bc=Flat() )(vₘₐ)
Cₛ(v::T, c::T) where T<:Velocity =  Cₛ(v / c)
v(vx, vy) = √(vx^2 + vy^2)
R(v::T, c::T, ρ::Density) where T<:Velocity = 0.5∙ρ∙Cₛ(v, c)∙Aₚᵣ∙v^2
α(vx, vy) = atan(vy, vx)
Rx(vx, vy, c, ρ) = R(v(vx, vy), c, ρ) * cos(α(vx, vy))
Ry(vx, vy, c, ρ) = R(v(vx, vy), c, ρ) * sin(α(vx, vy))
plot(Cₛ, xlims = (0,3), label = :none,
    yguide = "Shape coefficient, Cₛ []", xguide = "Mach number, vₘₐ []",
    title = "Interpolation curve,  Cₛ(vₘₐ)" )


In earlier examples, we are solving for a scalar valued function u:R ↣ R with scalar domain, time. Our new function Γ:R ↣ R⁴ still has single input, a real quantity with dimension time. The function values represent two position coordinates (x, y) and two corresponding velocities (, ) . Engineers might call this sort of structure a local tuple, Γ (Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdow (2015)), and would say we have two degrees of freedom. Matematicians would perhaps say we have four degrees of freedom. What would you say? Leave a a comment below, but you can't.

Instead of defining u'(t) which returns the current derivative of u, the derivatives are now output as an updated first argument. This is faster because we avoid heap memory allocation for every iteration. Differentialequations.jl understands our intention from the number of function parameters. So with four arguments, the first argument is actually our output. In Julia, the custom is also to add an '!' to the name of in-place functions. DifferentialEquations.jl simply counts the number of non-keyword arguments and treats the function as in-place ('!') or, ehem, out-of-place accordingly.

    Γ₁!(Γ´, Γ´, p, t)
Local tuple with derivatives. p and t are not used.
function  Γ₁´!(Γ´, Γ, p, t)
    (x, y), (x´, y´) = packout(Γ)
    @debug "Γ"    x    y    x´   y´   maxlog = 2
    x´´ =     -Rx(x´, y´, c(), ρ()) / mₚ()
    y´´ = -1g -Ry(x´, y´, c(), ρ()) / mₚ()
    @debug "Γ Acceleration"    x´´|> g    y´´|>g    maxlog = 2
    packin!(Γ´, x´, y´, x´´, y´´)

Feel free to skip the @debug lines. The cost, in addition to some ugliness, is 20 ns of execution time.

Why do we use the pakin and packout functions (defined below), when Parameterized functions has really nice ways of doing this without the clutter? Well, there are

Three Steps to Computational Bliss:

  1. Correct syntax

  2. Type stable functions

  3. Inferrable type functions

Arguments u and are now going to hold quantities with different dimensions, meaning they can't be represented with the exact same type. We might, inadvisably, pack the elements in Vector types.

However, when we cram elements with different types into a normally type-uniform Vector, the compiler may have a hard time figuring out the exact types of those elements. The internal type description of an easy-to-type function might be Vector{Quantity{Float64, D, U} where {D, U}}. Here, the Dimension and Unit is undetermined. We saved on thinking and typing, but the compiler might spend minutes inferring the exact machine code before running.

Instead, we'll organize by unit type with ArrayPartition, imported from RecursiveArrayTools:

"Local tuple initial condition"
Γ₀() = ArrayPartition([x₀, y₀], [x´₀(), y´₀()])

packout(Γ) = Γ.x[1], Γ.x[2]
function packin!(Γ´, x´, y´, x´´, y´´)
    Γ´.x[1][1] = x´;  Γ´.x[1][2] = y´
    Γ´.x[2][1] = x´´; Γ´.x[2][2] = y´´
    return Γ´

We prefer a fixable error to a slow run, so we define the function solve_guarded before trying this out. It will check that our model is actually inferrable (i.e. 'hundreds of times faster', at least in some cases).

using Logging: disable_logging, LogLevel, Debug, with_logger
import Logging
using Test: @inferred

# Exit criterion - hit sea level
function terminate_condition(Γ, t, integrator)
    (_, y), (_, _) = packout(Γ)
    y / m

cb1 = ContinuousCallback(terminate_condition, affect!)

function solve_guarded(Γ´!;  Γᵢₙ = Γ₀(), alg = Tsit5(), debug=false)
    # Test the functions
    @inferred packout(Γᵢₙ)
    @inferred packout(0.01Γᵢₙ/s)
    @inferred Γ´!(Γᵢₙ/s, Γᵢₙ, nothing, nothing)
    # Define and solve
    prob = ODEProblem(Γ´!, Γᵢₙ, (0.0s, 200s))
    sol = if debug
        with_logger(Logging.ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.Debug)) do
            solve(prob, Tsit5(), callback = cb1)
        solve(prob, Tsit5(), callback = cb1)

sol₁ = @time solve_guarded(Γ₁´!, debug=true);
┌ Debug: Γ
  x = 0.0km
  y = 0.0km
  x´ = 943.7337486141254ms⁻¹
  y´ = 460.2897041285313ms⁻¹
@ Main C:\Users\f\.julia\environments\sandbox3\script07.jl:7
┌ Debug: Γ Acceleration
  x´´ |> g = -3.064765825228892g
  y´´ |> g = -2.494786169287076g
@ Main C:\Users\f\.julia\environments\sandbox3\script07.jl:10
┌ Debug: Γ
  x = 0.0km
  y = 0.0km
  x´ = 943.7337486141254ms⁻¹
  y´ = 460.2897041285313ms⁻¹
@ Main C:\Users\f\.julia\environments\sandbox3\script07.jl:7
┌ Debug: Γ Acceleration
  x´´ |> g = -3.064765825228892g
  y´´ |> g = -2.494786169287076g
@ Main C:\Users\f\.julia\environments\sandbox3\script07.jl:10

The plots above show parameters that are not directly part of the solution. They are just necessary for reasonability checking. Extracting indirect parameters is more tedious, as can be seen below. A better approach might be to include speed and air resistance as directly coupled DOFs. If we did, they could be interpolated directly from the solution object without all of this code:

function time_distributed_motion_vals(;sol = sol₁, Γ´! = Γ₁´!)
    ts = range(sol.t[1], sol.t[end], length = 300)
    xs = map(t->sol(t).x[1][1], ts)
    ys = map(t->sol(t).x[1][2], ts)
    x´s = map(t->sol(t).x[2][1], ts)
    y´s = map(t->sol(t).x[2][2], ts)
    vs = map(hypot, x´s, y´s)
    Γs = map(sol, ts)
    dummyΓ´ = Γs[1] / (ts[2]- ts[1])
    x´´s = [Γ´!(dummyΓ´, Γ, nothing, nothing).x[2][1] |> g for  Γ in Γs]
    y´´s = [Γ´!(dummyΓ´, Γ, nothing, nothing).x[2][2] |> g for  Γ in Γs]
    as = map(hypot, x´´s, y´´s)
    ts, xs, ys, vs, as
function plotvals₁()
    ts, xs, ys, vs, as = time_distributed_motion_vals()
    Cₛs = map(v->Cₛ(v, c()), vs)
    ρs = repeat([ρ()], length(Cₛs))
    xlims = (0.0km, maximum(xs))
    ts, xs, ys, vs, as, Cₛs, ρs, xlims
function bulletplots(f;  trajectory_label = "Constant atmosphere α₀ = $(round(°, α₀()))",
        p_y_x = plot(), p_v_x = plot(), p_v = plot(), p_Cρs= plot(), p_a= plot(),
    ts, xs, ys, vs, as, Cₛs, ρs, xlims = f()
    plot!(p_y_x, xs, ys, xguide="x",
        yguide ="y", label = trajectory_label; xlims, kw...)
    plot!(p_v_x, xs, vs, xguide ="x",
        yguide ="v"; xlims, label = trajectory_label, kw...)
    plot!(p_v, ts, vs, yguide = "v"; label = trajectory_label, kw...)
    plot!(p_Cρs, [ts ts], [Cₛs ρs], yguide = "Cₛ, ρ", color = ["Red" "Black"] ;
        label = trajectory_label,  kw...)
    plot!(p_a, ts, as, yguide = "a", color = "Green", xguide = "Time",
        label = trajectory_label; kw...)
    return p_y_x, p_v_x, p_v, p_Cρs, p_a

# Subplots
p_y_x, p_v_x, p_v, p_Cρs, p_a = bulletplots(plotvals₁; linestyle=:dot)

# Assemble subplots
p_v_Cs_a = plot(layout = (3, 1), p_v, p_Cρs, p_a, legend=false)
p_y_x_v = plot(layout = (2, 1), p_y_x, p_v_x, legend=false)


Modifying the shot model - atmospheric properties ODE

We have a simple model that we can thrust, but check. Much of the model can be reused while we also add a bit more realism.

Most importantly on this scale, air density depends on altitude, but also on humidity and temperature. We can reduce that to just elevation by using the international standard atmosphere. And who could have known, the standard is also formulated as an ODE!

\[\frac{dp}{dy} = - {\rho}g\]
ρ is air density, varying with altitude y and a linear temperature variatiation

The local speed of sound, c, also varies linearly in the troposphere and is based on the same constant quantities. The sound barrier heavily influences drag for this big bullet.

\[c = \sqrt{\gamma \cdot R_{s} \cdot T}\]
T is local temperature. Constants are given in the table below.

The therodynamics details are collapsed below, constants are summarized in the table. The resulting functions will become part of the extended ODE.

The solution to (7) is psol, which is a global variable here, although it can be called like a normal function: psol(y). To make this inferrable, we can put in a crash barrier, an exact type warranty to the compiler. Voilà, p(y) is inferrable. Which we want, that's the third step after all. Alternatively, we could define const psol = ...., which would lead to irritating redefinition warnings or errors.

# Celsius temperature is affine, special treatment
import MechanicalUnits: °C
@import_expand(K, J, kPa)
"Gas constant, dry air (other source)"
const Rₛ =  287J∙kg⁻¹∙K⁻¹
"Base geopotential altitude"
const yₐ₀ = -610m
"Top of troposphere, geopotential altitude"
const yₐ₁ = 11km
"Base temperature"
const T₀ = 19°C
"Top of troposphere, temperature"
const T₁ = -56.5°C
"Base pressure"     ps
const p₀ = 108.9kPa
"Adiabatic constant cp/cv, troposphere"
const γ = 1.26

"Temperature in troposphere and tropopause"
T(y) = y < yₐ₁ ? T₀ + (y-yₐ₀)∙(T₁-T₀) / (yₐ₁-yₐ₀) : K(T₁)

println(lpad("At sea level, standard temperature = ", 52),
    round(°C, T(0m)   , digits = 2))

"Density as a function of pressure and temperature"
ρ(p, T) = p / (Rₛ∙(T |> K)) |> kg/m³
println(lpad("Air density ρ(p = 101kPa, T = 15.0°C) = ", 52),
    round(kg/m³, ρ(101kPa, 15.0°C), digits =3))

"Pressure derivative with respect to geopotential altitude"
p´(p, notused, y) = -ρ(p, T(y))∙g |> kPa/km

println(lpad("Pressure derivative with respect to altitude, 0m) = ", 52),
    round(kPa/km, p´(101kPa, nothing, 0m), digits= 2))
"Pressure solution with respect to geopotential altitude"
psol = solve(ODEProblem(p´, p₀, (y₀, 25.0km)), Tsit5())

"Pressure as a function of altitude, with exact type warranty"
p(y) = kPa(psol(y))::typeof(1.0kPa)

println(lpad("Pressure derivative with respect to altitude, 0m) = ", 52),
    round(kPa/km, p´(101kPa, nothing, 0m), digits= 2))
"Pressure solution with respect to geopotential altitude"
psol = solve(ODEProblem(p´, p₀, (y₀, 25.0km)), Tsit5())
println(lpad("Pressure at top of troposphere is p(y = 11km) = ", 52),
    round(kPa, p(11.0km), digits = 2))
println(lpad("Pressure at bottom of stratosphere is p(y = 20km) = ", 52),
    round(kPa, p(20.0km), digits = 2))
"Density as a function of altitude"
ρ(y) = ρ(p(y), T(y))
println(lpad("Air density ρ(y = 11km) = ", 52),
    round(kg/m³, ρ(11km), digits = 4))
println(lpad("Air density ρ(y = 20km) = ", 52),
    round(kg/m³, ρ(20km), digits = 4))
"Speed of sound"
c(y) = sqrt(γ∙Rₛ∙T(y)) |> m/s
let # For plot
    ys = range(0, 25, length = 50)km
    ρs = map(ρ, ys)
    cs = map(c, ys)
    plot([ρs cs],  [ys ys], yguide = "Altitude, y [km]",
        layout = (1, 2), label = :none)
        # Recipe don't work well with subplots
    plot!(xguide = ["Density [kg/m³]" "Speed of sound [m/s]"])

               At sea level, standard temperature = 15.03°C
            Air density ρ(p = 101kPa, T = 15.0°C) = 1.221kgm⁻³
Pressure derivative with respect to altitude, 0m) = -11.98kPakm⁻¹
    Pressure at top of troposphere is p(y = 11km) = 24.32kPa
Pressure at bottom of stratosphere is p(y = 20km) = 5.88kPa
                          Air density ρ(y = 11km) = 0.3911kgm⁻³
                          Air density ρ(y = 20km) = 0.0946kgm⁻³

Constant quantityName and value
Gas constant, dry air (other source)Rₛ = 287J∙kg⁻¹∙K⁻¹
Base geopotential altitudeyₐ₀ = -610m
Top of troposphere, geopotential altitudeyₐ₁ = 11km
Base temperatureT₀ = 19°C
Top of troposphere, temperatureT₁ = -56.5°C
Base pressurep₀ = 108.9kPa
Adiabatic constant cp/cv, troposphereγ = 1.26

Time to define, solve and plot version 2 - now with altitude sensitivity!

function  Γ₂´!(Γ´, Γ, p, t)
    (x, y), (x´, y´) = packout(Γ)
    @debug "Γ"    x    y    x´   y´   maxlog = 2
    x´´ =     -Rx(x´, y´, c(y), ρ(y)) / mₚ()
    y´´ = -1g -Ry(x´, y´, c(y), ρ(y)) / mₚ()
    @debug "Γ Acceleration"    x´´|> g    y´´|>g    maxlog = 2
    packin!(Γ´, x´, y´, x´´, y´´)

sol₂ = solve_guarded(Γ₂´!);

function plotvals₂(;sol = sol₂, Γ´! = Γ₂´!)
    ts, xs, ys, vs, as = time_distributed_motion_vals(;sol, Γ´!)
    Cₛs = map(zip(vs, ys)) do (v, y)
        Cₛ(v, c(y))
    ρs = map(ρ, ys)
    xlims = (0.0km, maximum(xs))
    ts, xs, ys, vs, as, Cₛs, ρs, xlims

# # Subplots, solid lines, overlaid on the previous, dashed
    trajectory_label = "α₀ = $(round(°, α₀()))",
    p_y_x, p_v_x, p_v, p_Cρs, p_a)
# Assemble subplots
p_v_Cs_a₂ = plot(layout = (3, 1), p_v, p_Cρs, p_a, legend=false)
p_y_x_v₂ = plot(layout = (2, 1), p_y_x, p_v_x, legend=false)


The solid lines are from model 2. The thinner air higher up is important!

Varying initial conditions

Similar guns on Bismarck and Tirpitz, two war ships, were limited to an elevation of 30°. But as we have seen, there is less resistance in the upper skies, so these land-mounted guns can shoot up to 60°.

const αᵢₙ₃ = (26:60)°
const Γᵢₙ₃ = [ArrayPartition([x₀, y₀], [v₀() * cos(α), v₀() * sin(α)])
                for α in αᵢₙ₃]
const sols₃ = [solve_guarded(Γ₂´!;  Γᵢₙ) for Γᵢₙ in Γᵢₙ₃]
p_y_x, p_v_x, p_v, p_Cρs, p_a = plot(), plot(),plot(),plot(),plot()

for (α₀, sol) in zip(αᵢₙ₃, sols₃)
    foo = () -> plotvals₂(;sol)
        trajectory_label = "α₀ = $(round(°, α₀))",
        p_y_x, p_v_x, p_v, p_Cρs, p_a, legend=true)
# Assemble subplots
p_v_Cs_a₂ = plot(layout = (3, 1), p_v, p_Cρs, p_a, legend=false, linewidth = 1)
p_y_x_v₂ = plot(layout = (2, 1), p_y_x, p_v_x, legend=false, linewidth = 1,
        xlims = (0,55))


It is fair to say that this gun reaches out of the atmosphere to shoot farther. The advertised range of 55 km seems reasonable (some sources state 49.0 km ). Albeit at an elevation angle of 54° and a flight time of 130 s , precision may be compromised. Aiming precision data could be collected from online sources or inspected in the museum.

The calculation time for that last group of shots is 1.5 s on a 2020 computer, with no parallelism in use.
